Top 3 reasons leading to low productivity in apparel production

One of the key elements that is often overlooked in an apparel factory is their sewing operator workforce. They are the backbone of any manufacturing facility, and their productivity levels can either drive success or lead to failure.

Unfortunately, many factories struggle to fully leverage the potential of their workforce, resulting in under utilization and decreased productivity. According to a recent article published, Bangladesh's labour incentive industries like Ready Made Garments, Leather and footwear, the skill gap of the workforce ranges somewhere from 45%- 70% leading to lower productivity in factories. Contributing further to this issue are the high labour turnover rates ranging from 26-30% and the high absenteeism ratios in the Bangladesh apparel industry leaving companies to spend more in getting their production done on time.

The problem of low productivity lies with the untrained workforce or how they are being managed or both. Let's look at the possible reasons in detail:

1. Identify training needs

One of the primary reasons operators may be underutilized is the absence of comprehensive training. Work Study Officers at apparel manufacturing factories need to conduct frequent work studies to identify correct skills of operators and plan for future training to up-skill them for future demands.

2. Inefficient Workforce Management

Assigning tasks and scheduling operators can be challenging without the right systems in place. Poor workforce management can lead to overworking some operators while leaving others idle, resulting in inefficiencies and dissatisfaction among the workforce. Implementing efficient scheduling and workload distribution systems can help maximize operator productivity while minimizing fatigue and burnout.

3. Inaccurate operator skill identification

Another critical issue contributing to the mismanagement of factory operators' skills is the inaccurate identification of their capabilities. Often, manufacturers rely on outdated or subjective assessments of operator skills, which can lead to assigning them to tasks they are not proficient in or underestimating their abilities. This can hinder overall productivity and increase the likelihood of errors in production.

Another critical issue contributing to the mismanagement of factory operators' skills is the inaccurate identification of their capabilities. Often, manufacturers rely on outdated or subjective assessments of operator skills, which can lead to assigning them to tasks they are not proficient in or underestimating their abilities. This can hinder overall productivity and increase the likelihood of errors in production.

Recognizing, nurturing, and optimizing their skills is not just a business strategy; it's a commitment to excellence. Manufacturers who heed this call, invest in their operators, and create an environment where skills are respected and cultivated will find themselves not only surviving but thriving in the competitive world of apparel manufacturing.

Overcome all these challenges with KingslakeBlue Line Balancing software: This unique solution helps garment factories use their operator skills to their best, by suggesting the best production lines to produce a particular style based on their operator skills and the layout of the factory. Visit for more information.

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